A native New Yorker, Tara now lives in Naples/Fort Myers, Florida with her husband and identical twin boys. Read about her adventures and mishaps parenting multiples, travel tips, tea reviews and much more.
Tara also contributes to The Huffington Post, She's On the Go Travel, TravelingMom.com, Techlicious, 365 SWFL among others.
She also makes regular broadcast appearances as a travel expert and mom blogger.
Writing under the pen name Tara September, she has also published several award-winning romance novels and romcoms.

Email me at
Visitor Statistics:
- Google Page Rank 4
- Gender: 60% female, 40% male
- Income: This site attracts a more affluent audience. 33% making $100k+
- Education: There is a high index of College Graduates here. 55% have a college education and 19% have some graduate schooling.
- Age: middle aged. Averaging 18-49-years-old
- More stats and recent daily unique visitors from here and WebsiteOutlook
Social Stats:
- 22k+ followers on Twitter @TaraMetBlog
- 21K+ followers on Instagram
- 66 Klout rating
As seen on:
- Featured on FOX 4 WFTX - The Morning Blend as a Mom Squad member.
- Hosted Legoland Florida Sattelite Media Tour with 35 live radio & broadcast interviews.
- Meet the mom bloggers of Southwest Florida - News-Press.com
- In the June 2014 issue of Ladies Home Journal
- Infographic: Top 50 Mommy Bloggers
- Family featured in FunJet Vacations video pieces.
- The New York Times article, "Blogging The Hand That Feeds You"
- Named one of the Top 20 Most Influential People by MostPublic along with Perez Hilton.
- Quoted in the LA Times
- Tweet featured in BuzzFeed article.
- 2014 Multiple Parenting Blogs - Nominated
- MeetUp and name mentioned on Fox Business news
- The Weblog Review writes that When Tara Met Blog is, "easy, light, and a refreshing voice in the over populated blogging world... my guess is Tara will have a long list of loyal readers."
- Profiled at Mint.com
- Blogger of the week at About.com.
- Speaker - Blog World & New Media Expo 2010