5 Easy Ways to Introduce Peanut Foods to your Infant

Introducing peanuts to your infant early can help prevent peanut allergies

Pediatricians and allergists recommend feeding small amounts of peanut foods to infants at the right stage of their development can have life-changing effects.

New guidelines encourage parents to introduce baby-friendly peanut foods between 4 to 6 months. I started feeding my boys almond butter and peanuts early too and thankfully neither have a nut allergy. 
Early introduction of peanut-containing foods can reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy by up to 86%.

5 Easy Ways to Introduce Peanut Foods to your Infant

Whole nuts should not be given to children under 5 years of age. Nor should peanut butter directly from a spoon or in lumps/dollops be given to children less than 4 years of age.

1. Mix with water, formula or breast milk 

Thin 2 tsp. of peanut butter with 2-3 tsp. hot water, formula or breast milk. Allow to cool before serving. You can also use organic Peanut Powder. Try this three times per week. 

2. Mix with food 

Blend 2 tsp. of peanut butter into 2-3 tbsp. of foods like infant cereal, applesauce, yogurt (if already tolerating dairy), pureed chicken or tofu. 

3. Mix with produce 

Stir in 2 tsp. of powdered peanut butter into 2 tbsp. of previously tolerated pureed fruits or vegetables.

You can also try MyPeanut apple and peanut butter pouches for babies 4 months +.

Using a soft baby spoon will help ease the transition.

4. Peanut snacks 

Give your baby a peanut-containing teething food, such as peanut puffs.

5. Teething biscuits 

Teething infants who are older and self-feeding may enjoy homemade peanut butter teething biscuits.

Peanut Baby Foods on Amazon

4 to 6 Months National Peanut Board Baby Clothing Line

The National Peanut Board has launched a new adorable line, “Size 4 to 6 Months,” designed to encourage and remind parents to better their baby’s health by introducing them to peanuts early.

These cute shirts and bodysuits are super soft to the touch and all proceeds will go to American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

The collection includes 10 designs.

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