Parent/Child Protections:
I was especially impressed with Sprint Guardian, a mobile application bundle that can help parents enforce responsible phone usage and keep families safe. Apps within the Sprint Guardian bundle allow parents to: lock their child’s phone on demand or schedule locks – during dinner, school or late at night (I think I need this for Raphael during dinner too); locate kids on a map and set up automatic location checks to get notified that kids made it to school safely and on time (Family Locator); automatically lock teenagers’ mobile phones when they’re driving over 10 MPH (Drive First), which frankly, I think I need so I don't set a bad example and to resist temptation. Sprint Drive First is available on Sprint Android™-powered smartphones for $2 per month per phone (excluding surcharges and taxes).
For parents getting ready to give their child their first phone, you should definitely check out Sprint's Customizable Parent-Child Mobile Phone Contract, you can then have your child agree to different terms like "never ignore moms calls," no phone at the dinner table, etc. I think it's a great idea to start a discussion before just giving them a phone.
Interesting Stats:
- 2 out of 3 people check their phone at least once every hour
- 1 in 10 check every 5 minutes
- 1 out of 3 people aged 18-29 would feel embarrassed if the stuff on their mobile phone was made public - i.e. text messages, photos, personal info, bank info.
- 1 out of 5 people admitted to snooping into someone's phone
~Harris Interactive Survey, August 2013
Oh, and I also got to try out the Galaxy Gear watch seen in the recent commercials referencing Star Trek.
Disclosure: I attended an event on behalf of Sprint and received a promotional gift bag as a thank you for attending. I was not compensated or required to post.
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