Also seen on

Sorry, for the lack of updates, I've been busy blogging elsewhere on the Web lately.

I started a new blog called TOT Runway, where I post about children's clothing news and share pictures of my boys in different outfits. It's a virtual baby fashion show. Do let me know what you think. Currently, I'm hosting a Giveaway for Downy Unstopables scent collection over there too, so be sure and enter!

I also penned a piece about winter rooftop brunch escapes for The Huffington Post NY section -NYC Winter Brunch Escapes.

Plus, there was my film review of the thriller Stoker, which was posted over at

Oh, and not sure if you noticed, but I updated my When Tara Met Blog header above to incorporate my life with the twins now  :) Cute, no?

1 comment

  1. Super cute! I am just catching up on the Twins action! Congrats, Tara!!!
