Kiva - Lend a Little, Help a Lot

I just made an easy $30 by simply putting up a text link ad on my blog for a couple of months, but instead of putting it to another Zulily purchase, I decided to donate the money to Luis in Acuna, Mexico who supports his mother and brother and wants to buy containers for his fruit juice/agua frescas stand.

I read about Luis' story on, a nonprofit organization that allows individual investors to make loans as small as $25 to a business of their choice around the world, empowering individuals across the globe to start or grow a business, improve their home, go to school, and more. Kiva relies on a world wide network of over 450 volunteers to edit and translate borrower stories. Eventually you get back your money in Kiva credit as the loan gets repaid, so you can then lend to another borrower. Throughout the life of the loan, you will see progress updates from Kiva through your email, and if you come back to the site. The below video explains the process further:

Sign up today and just $25 you'll be helping to fund some worthwhile causes/entrepreneurs at no cost to you.


  1. This is awesome and what's small to us, can seem like a small fortune on another end of the world.

  2. All signed up, I helped a group in Ecuador. Thanks for passing along the info. about a great opportunity!
