
From New York, I then headed down to Atlanta (my first time) for Blogalicous, which is a blogging conference celebrating diversity. Although I'm a blogger (duh if you're reading this) I was at the conference for work doing PR for Pine-Sol's cause site, which honors everyday women who are making a difference in their communities. As a result, I was working their booth and got to hang out with The Pine-Sol Lady (Diane Amos), who was very nice and shared stories with me of her son and daughter and working on the film Nine Months with her friend Robin Williams. Here's a photo:

When the exhibit hall was empty and the other bloggers were busy attending the different sessions, I visited the Suave booth, which was doing fabulous hand massages. The masseuse commented that she could tell I typed a lot by the tenseness of my muscles, however, it could have been an educated guess since it was a bloggers conference, lol. I also received a bottle of their Lavender and Vanilla lotion. FYI Suave is also a client in our NY office.

I also got to finally meet face to face, Kimberly from and Aliza Sherman, who guest blogged here over 3 years ago.

Oh, and here I am trying to be gangster while double fisting two glasses of champagne and wearing a tiara courtesy of Disney at their closing cocktail party. Sookie sookie now.