It was hard to find the warehouse lot, even passed by it twice, until I noticed a bunch of people in an alley leading to the entrance. The sale didn't include many size fives for me unfortunately, so I settled for a blue green plaid linen pair and picked up red canvas ones for my friend. They were on sale for only $20 each instead of the normal $48 price. While combing through the boxes in vain searching for something smaller than a size 6, I look up and see last year's American Idol contestant Jason Castro. Deep blue eyes, darker dreads, etc. He was there with a guy friend and even purchased a pair for himself. A group of young girls were squealing after seeing him and while he was in the checkout line, asked if they could get a photo of him. That's when I braved to take a shot myself with my cell phone, but only got the back of his head though:
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