On Thursday night I headed to the TechCrunch/Pop Sugar "Geek Goes Chic" party in Hollywood's The Vanguard club. I thought it was going to be more like the Glam.com or LADaddy blogging parties that I've gone to in the past where I got to meet some other bloggers, however this was more of a business development party, with sponsors hosting tables and demoing new software and sites while music was playing and drinks were being served. I kept getting asked advertising questions about my blog, and strategy questions, to the point where I felt like I was still at work. It was like a conference masquerading as a nightclub social. Beer and wine was free though and there were lots of glow in the dark flashing rings being given out, yet I never found out from where.
I did get to see my blogging buddy M.K. from PopBytes again (he gets so many site visitors a month it's ridiculous), spotted a reporter friend from CNET, one of my fiance's groomsmen and hung out with my client MusicIP.
If you want to check out some new sites and tools, some of the companies that pitched me included: MyThings.com, dimdim (saw them back at DEMO) PicApp, ucubd and ShopItToMe.com.
I don't know why, but I thought this event was going to end up being something more of a 20-something, Hollywood, free booze-a-thon sort of thing so I skipped out. Was it really more techy than that? Bummer I missed it then.
ReplyDeleteI totally had a feeling you'd be there Tara. I heard about it too late and missed out on a ticket. Sounds like it was pretty interesting though. I really want to go to some more LA Blogger meetup things, you seriously have all the ins, haha.
ReplyDeleteI wished there was a central place to talk about this before hand. I would have like to get to know some of the people going instead of trying to read name tags in the dark and could hardly hear anybody over the music. All around fun night, but not true LA.
ReplyDeletesound to me like a pimp-like night. In fact this under-world of blogging doesn't look more different than the models world. Or any other casting-needing industry. You just have to play nice, smile (even in the dark) and be so polite with everyone, even your eyes become sticky, not only your tongue. Anyway. Do these reunions really work? Or it's just little fish meet shark?