Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I'm headed to a Yankees game, and I love going to a night game, especially when it's after work. As the 4 train gets closer and closer to the stadium, it's mainly only people going to the game on board and there's this awesome sense of camaraderie. I also love seeing the business suits dwindle out and more jerseys and t-shirts fill the carts. On occasion I've seen several business guys take off their suits and ties and change into their Yankee apparel on the subway, while sneaking some sips from the beer cans stuck in their pockets. It's just so relaxing knowing you are not going to be doing work and going to a game. Where you'll pay way too much for drinks and a dog, but they will never taste as refreshing or delicious anywhere else.
It's funny with my baseball hat on, I look so much younger. At the gate, I usually get handed a free gift that they only give to those under 16, lol. Meanwhile, of course none of my friends are given one. I vary from being insulted to happy that I got something free stuff. I was pissed a couple of years ago when I was 21 and brought my 15 year old friend, whose like my younger brother and they wouldn't give him the t-shirt despite being the appropriate age, yet handed me one without a second glance. OUCH! I was like I drove him here! WTF?
I can't believe they are going to rebuild the stadium. It's the second oldest stadium and the house that Ruth built and the place where Dimagio and Mantle played at. It should be restored not rebuilt. Grr!
Update: Yanks win 6 to 1, Go Matsui! And Bill Clinton was at the game, he waved to everyone before the game started and then hung out in the owners box with Steinbrener.
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