I went by my lonesome because I didn't dare ask anyone to go with me. I'm a big cat lover though, my first word as a child was "cat" actually since I was given my first cat, Bright Eyes, practically at birth. Anyway, it cost $8 to park and then $10 for the entrance fee--crazy! I had only been to a cat show once before when I was really young and I instantly remembered that I'm not a big cat show fan, it's all too Best in Show for me seeing cats in cages and their owners parading them around. I over heard one woman saying "She's going to lose points for that!" To be fair though, some people were entering their cats into the competition for the first time. The crowd in general mainly consisted of children, senior citizens and gay men. Although when in line to buy tickets there was this punk looking twenty-something singing the Meow Mix jingle, you know, meow meow meow...
I walked down aisle after aisle peering in at the different kittens and cats, some with several ribbons hanging from their booths. The cats were all very calm as if having 500 people in an auditorium and the smell of cats everywhere was just their everyday. The ones that had two cats to a cage were usually snuggled up together keeping each other company, it was so cute. Most cages came equipped with hammocks and beds even, which looked very posh. Take this princess for instance:
In a side room, away from the aisles of cats, there were four rings setup for evaluating the different competing cats. They would announce each cat's number over the microphone booming throughout the auditorium and owners would come in to this room carrying their cats. Each area had a table where the cats were examined and scored. The announcers did a nice job of explaining the things they liked about each contestant, like nice coloring, demeanor, size, agility, etc. They would also offer cat tips like waiting to at least 6 months to spay or neuter your cat, etc.
They would also wave a wand in front of the cats to test their reactions. The judge said that most spayed and neutered cats were less likely to be aggressive or even take interest in the moving target. The feline winners go on to compete at the national show at Madison Square Garden.
I left with my photos, some free organic cat food that I gave to my neighbor and feeling sad because I missed my Gremlyn more than ever. But there wasn't one tortoiseshell there like Grem, but I wasn't surprised since torties are pretty much muts and not "purebreds."
News: The Cat's Meow
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Ah, sweet.. I'd have come with you..
ReplyDeleteShara's a torty, they are the best!! She's fat and grouchy sometimes, and puts me in my place, but she's my best friend. I'm sorry you're missing your best friend... :-(