Mr. Gorbechov, paint that wall!

Friday, December 29, 2006

My friend Amber and I painted a wall in my apartment today. It's a small wall that connects the kitchen and dining room. The color is called cherry cobbler from Behr, a cranberry color to match the pillows that I recently got at Restoration Hardware as a Christmas gift. I've been wanting to add some color to our apartment for awhile now, otherwise it's too beige. Wait till my boyfriend comes home tomorrow and sees it ;) Surprise! hehe

The pillows and throw:


During (Amber and I on the third and final coat):
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What do you think?

Painting a wall was actually on my list of things to do before I'm 30, I know it's a weird thing to have on my list or to even have a list in the first place, but it's something I've always wanted to do. I've only painted a shed once for a nursery school for community service but that was painting a bunch of shingles.

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