When I recently posted a recap of my 2005 resolutions and their outcomes, one of my male coworkers gave me a few Rose suggestions ranging from 39-69$ per bottle in price and Hiromi at Just Another Week posted some excellent suggestions in my comments section as well, actually they both mentioned the Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Rose.
While on vacation I spotted the Moet Rose for the duty free price of $60, but I couldn't bring myself to spend the 60 bucks that I had just fought to earn and hold onto in the casino on something liquid. Then again, I did put $15 towards the Brinley Vanilla Rum, which I had a little glass of last night before going to Pastis for K's bday dinner where I finally ordered a glass of pink champagne.
I ordered the only sparkling Rose option they had available, Rose Cremant De Loire, which was a little darker in color than I expected, more on the orangey reddish side. Other then it not being really pink, it was yummy, sweet and bubbly, very similar to regular colored champagne, but just a little more fun because I knew it was different lol. It couldn't rival the awesome crisp fries and hangar steak rare, that I ordered though. Yum! The New Year can really begin for me now that I finished up last year's to do list. This year I don't have a list, just to keep up my old ones like trying to eat veggies and going to the gym. The rest I'll make up along the way.
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