We will be doing our own egg hunt, so I've been busy selecting age-appropriate goodies for toddlers and preschoolers to fill their plastic eggs and baskets with. I've learned that you don't have to spend a lot either to make for a fun-filled basket. Here are some suggestions to consider...
Easter Egg Prizes and Fillers for Toddlers
- If doing your hunt outside you could fill an egg with glitter for a surprise glitter explosion!
- Cut up a sticker sheet and put individual stickers in the eggs
- Loose LEGO Bricks in different colors!
- LEGO Minifigures (the little Lego people)
- Bouncy balls (the kind you can get at the grocery store gumball machines).
- FunnyFace Choo Choo Cherry dried cranberries. With with 50% less sugar these are a great alternative to traditional dried cranberries and jelly beans.
- Mini pretzels or crackers
- Balloons, which you can then inflate
- Easter colored socks
- Hot Wheels and mini toy cars
- Plastic rings and necklaces
- Mini bubbles
- Play-Doh rolled into a small ball and out of the canister
- Alphabet magnets
- Temporary tattoos
- Silly Bandz bracelets
- Mardi Gras bead-like necklaces to wear
- Plastic whistles
- Mini hand stampers
Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Toddlers:

- VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels or Go! Go! Smart Animals are interactive cars that make for a great non-candy alternative for only $7.99 each. They are also perfectly sized for Easter baskets and little hands. For ages 1-5, these electronic toys play music, make sounds and light up.
- Parragon Books' Bunny Loves to Play ($4.19) - Read and wiggle the cute bunny puppet built into this adorable story board book encouraging interactive play, hand-eye coordination, and language development for babies. For older tots there is also the beautifully illustrated picture book perfect for spring - The Best Easter Egg Hunt Ever.
- DUPLO Building Kit (bigger than LEGOs)
- Bubbles
- Crayons
- Coloring Books
- Sidewalk Chalk
- Play-Doh Easter Eggs
- DVD (When I was little, I loved that every year my mom, I mean Easter Bunny, would put a new musical VHS video in my basket. It became an on-going tradition each year as I’d wonder what the new musical I’d discover this time would be. We started the tradition with Disney DVDs).
Was Ben scared by the bunny?
ReplyDeleteThese are all great ideas!! My youngest grandson enjoyed the few eggs we added to his basket better than the little toys, lol!