noseblind [nohz-blihnd] -noun -The gradual acclimation to the smells of one’s home, car, or belongings, in which the affected does not notice them. While many experience noseblindness in their homes, their guests are still able to identify odors.

Have you seen those Febreze Noseblind commercials? Having 2 cats, these ads immediately caught my attention, but defensively I was quick to dismiss the idea assuming my home was an exception.
Recently, during my mom's visits she would make a comment as she walked by our laundry room, which is where we also house our cats' litter box. This surprised me since we change their litter box frequently and it didn't bother me nor my husband. I even changed the brand of the litter we used as a result, but she would still make comments, so I started to wonder if we had in fact gone noseblind.
Noseblindness occurs naturally over time when a person becomes accustomed to surrounding smells, whether it’s a dog bed or kitty litter box, and can no longer easily detect those distinct odors. With the help of comedienne and actress Jane Lynch alongside the ASPCA, Febreze is prompting pet lovers nationwide to talk about what guests really smell.
Seeking noseblind treatment? Febreze truly eliminates odors, whether you can smell them or not, leaving nothing but freshness behind. So you can feel confident knowing your home is always guest-ready. Best of all, Febreze ingredients have been reviewed by the ASPCA and have been deemed to be non-toxic to animals when used as directed. Phew! I've started using their Air Effects Linen & Sky spray, which eliminates tough odors and leaves behind a light, fresh scent. So far no comments have been made from the peanut gallery lately, so it must be working! I've also been enjoying lightly fragrant smell as I walk by too.
Instagram #Stinkface Contest
Submit a photo of your pet for a chance to win $400 by entering the following Instagram contest. Share photos of your pet's smelliest stinkface moments using hashtags #Febreze and #Noseblind and #Stinkface for a chance to win. Also be sure to follow and tag @toastmeetsworld.Noseblind Prevention Kit Giveaway
You can also enter the $200+ giveaway below to win a Noseblind Prevention Kit including:- $25 worth of Febreze products to combat Noseblindness
- Universal smart phone camera lens kit
- $100 gift card to PetCo

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: This post and giveaway were made possible by Double Duty Divas and Febreze. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
Thank you SO much for a wonderful Giveaway!!