I'm all in at BlogHer for City of Hope

Tomorrow, I'll once again be heading to the BlogHer conference. This year it is in New York City. During the 3 days that I'll be there I'm going to be heading to one cool party after another, networking with other women and getting lots of free goodies. So, in order to not be a total hedonist and to give back some, I volunteered to be a BlogHer ambassador for City of Hope.

Basically, this means that I've agreed to spread awareness for the national women’s cancer research leader and treatment center City of Hope amongst my fellow bloggers during my time at BlogHer. Since BlogHer is for women and City of Hope focuses on cancers affecting women, I figured it made sense. I also believe cancer research is underfunded by our government, which is why non-profits like these are so important.

I'll also be wearing an "I'm All In!" City of Hope button and giving them out to anyone who might want one. So, if you see me there, be sure and ask for one and if you twitpic @CityOfHope a photo of you wearing the pin, you'll be entered to win a gift card to Sephora (5 winners in total).


  1. Other than the fact that your picture doesn't show up....neat cause. Have fun, too! :)

  2. Thanks, not sure why it didn't upload so i took down that mention for now until i can reupload it later :)
