Who's your godmother?

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I was especially thankful and honored to be the godmother of my best friend's son, Thomas Caesar Rock Rodriguez (strong name, no?). As my first act as fairy godmother I created favors for the dinner following the baptismal, little tins with his name on them and filled with custom M&M's with sayings and his cute little face on them too. Yes, they offer that now. For my wedding, Raphael's sister had our colors and our names and date put on M&M's for the reception tables, but now you can also upload up to two photos via their online store and they can turn them into sketches to be printed directly on the candies. For colors I chose a baby blue, a teal and silver. (Disclaimer: M&M Mars is a client in our Chicago office, but I'm not on that account). I also put a little tea light inside each tin, check it out:

Meanwhile, at the baptismal, little Tom-cat was an angel, he even laughed when the priest poured the water on his head and into his big brown eyes. He's so good, although he kept dropping his pacifier in my cleavage and I had to keep fishing it out for him. After the third time, I started to think that boys must start their antics early in life ;)

Oh, and there was this one part during the ceremony when the priest asked for one sponsor for each baby being Christened to light a candle. I eagerly approached and took the extended candle, however, I then had to walk down the aisle to a flame that was on a very high stand above my head. With everyone watching I was afraid I wouldn't be able to reach the flame and would have to go back and give the candle to Thomas' godfather who is much taller than I am. I could see my mom and Raphael in the audience holding their breath for me. In the end, I was just barely able to light the candle by standing on my tip toes while trying not to laugh.


  1. Aw, how exciting that you're a Godmother! And to such an adorable baby to boot. Congratulations!

    Hmmm, wonder if he would have kept dropping the pacifier if you had nno cleavage? ;)

  2. aw those favors are adorable and yay for being a godmother, he is just so cute. and woo for reaching the candle!

  3. what an adorable baby!!

  4. Congrats! I just came through FutureDelivery.TV :) Love your blog.
