Cupcake interviews

Because of my LA Cupcakes MeetUp group and recent cupcake judging, I've become sort of a local expert on the tiny cakes, although it's like that old Apple Jacks cereal commercial used to say, "I eat what I like," not much more to it than that, outside of my obssession that is.

As a result, Rachel over at the awesome blog Cupcakes Take The Cake (she was on Martha Stewart!) asked me a bunch of questions about the cupcake scene out here in LA compared to when I lived in NY, plus my earliest cupcake memory, and more. If you have time, do go check out the resulting interview on her blog. Rachel will actually be joining this Sunday's meetup at Lark Cake Shop.

Also, Nancy Luna, the food reporter at The OC Register recently picked my brain on Cupcake wars ignite in Orange County over at her paper's popular blog Fast Food Maven where she writes about fast food eats, culture and trends. The comments over there are getting heated!


  1. I'm sad to report back that during my visit to LA, I did not have any cupcakes at all... Next time!

    I did have Scoops. LOVE that place!

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  3. Who knew cupcakes could be such a hotbed for debate!

  4. sounds like a lot of cupcake fun! Crumbs had a booth at this event i was at recently but i didn't get a chance to try any. Is that place still your favorite?
