First I was lucky enough to be in the The NY Times and now the Los Angeles Times--paralleling my move.
This time I was interviewed by Business Staff Writer, Molly Slevin at the LA Times, in her More employers allowing some March Madness at work article about companies allowing time for sports and personal tasks to help boost morale. The article appears on the front cover of the LA Times paper, but I'm on the jump page / the second page, same with the online version. I can't believe the story made the front cover though! Besides being cool as is, it also gets my office and blog publicity. Here's the snipit:
Fusion Public Relations has gone beyond one-time events by encouraging some employees to blog, recognizing that they will probably write partly on company time.
Fusion spokeswoman Michelle Van Jura said bloggers had skills that helped the firm service its technology clients.
Account manager Tara Settembre blogs about movies she sees, her social life and the gym where she works out on When Tara Met Blog ( Fusion's website links to Settembre's blog and several others. Settembre said the blog, festooned with martini glasses, "gets my creative juices flowing" and is particularly helpful to clients interested in starting blogs.
"I can offer them an expert opinion," Settembre said.
I'm off to buy a copy (or several ;) at the grocery store.

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