Saturday, May 20, 2006
A few weeks ago when there was actually sun and not all this rain, I went out onto my balcony (fire escape) for some rays. As I was lying on my back, I spotted upside down a pretty beige dove laying on a nest underneath the iron fire escape step. I guess NYC birds have to settle for fire escapes instead of trees. Usually they nest underneath air conditioners too.
I've been leaving bread out for her these last couple of weeks but she'd always look at me so cautiously that I'd try to do it as silently and as unobtrusive as possible. Today though when I went out on to the escape there were two baby doves next to mommy dove. They look pretty big already too and they can't be more than a week old. Here's a birds eye view of them, yes I love using puns.
Hmm what should I name them? I wonder how long they will stay there.
Link: You can check out the beauty products that When Tara Met Blog voted for in's beauty awards and vote for your favorite hair, makeup and beauty products here. Go Mac makeup!
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