I belong to GenArt and every year they have an annual Ignite party. It's really big, there's art galleries, film shorts, open bar, entertainment, DJ's etc. Last year Alize Bleu launched at the party and my mom called in her Alize contact and got me and a friend in VIP. So it was champagne all night in a roped off section. I even got to paint a wall blue. I'm not an artist, so I just painted the word ME on the wall in white over the blue and everyone cheered me for it. I felt very creative if not self indulgent. Women were also getting their bodies painted and opting for the paint and glitter instead of their shirts, believe me, I didn't go there!
So this year the event is hosted by Stella Artois so I figured I'd have to pay the regular admission and be with the hoi poi because I sure as hell was not paying $100 for the VIP ticket. So my fabulously connected mother called InBev and LaBatt who distribute Stella and she got me in VIP again. How awesome is that? The theme this time is early nineteenth century Carnival/Circus. I have a short suede skirt in mind that I think will go, my friend has final approval though.
So I'm running home after work, jumping in the shower, styling the hair and then getting my friends advice on an outfit and heading to the party. Can't wait.
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