Thursday, July 14, 2005
I really need to stop doing that--giving out my business cards like they were life savers. I think I'm still not over the fact that I have professional cards and not just my personal "freelancer" VistaPrint ones, although I gave those out frequently too.
As you are probably guessing, I give them out most when I am tipsy at events, clubs and once on the subway platform. Sometimes I intend it as friendship, like 'hey, keep in touch, send an email and we'll hang out sometime.' Or you're cute and intelligent, wouldn't mind a call from you. And last but unfortunately not least, I'm wearing wine goggles (I don't drink beer) and look how thick and pretty these cards are.
So lately I've gotten a few No ID/Restricted calls and weird NYC numbers that I don't recognize. I was invited to the Brazilian Film Festival as a result though, lol.
While waiting for the film to start in Bryant Park the other night, my friends and I were talking about how a few months ago at my friends birthday party, when I gave my card to two of her guy friends and it caused a thing. I had met them before at another party and had liked hanging out with them, but one interpreted it that I was looking for a relationship. So I get a phone call saying "Hey, this is Mike," now I know several Mikes and stupidly assume it's my friend Mike and start chatting away until it got weird and I was like "WHO is this?" Turns out it was my friend's friend telling me that he's really busy right now and doesn't have time to spend with me. LOL! First of all, I was shocked that he thought I had meant more by giving him my card and then surprised he actually called to say he wasn't interested. Pretty brave of him. His other friend meanwhile probably thought I was being a player once they found out they both got my card. Grr, embarrassing.
Two nights ago at a Public Relations happy hour mixer, a place where it was appropriate to give out my business cards, I met a woman named Lisa who started The site is pretty cool and has lots of contests where you can win DVDs. Good luck!
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