Coffee Talk in the Blogging World

Sunday, March 20, 2005

According to BlogPulse the top 5 people currently being discussed the most in the blogosphere are:

1. Terri Schiavo
2. President Bush
3. Harry Potter
4. Michael Schiavo
5. Britney Spears

Kind of sad the Britney is in the top 5, ick!


Tonight around 9:45 p.m. on the street parallel to mine, I passed by Jason Priestley walking with another guy and smoking a cigarette. He's not that tall, but has the same sideburns and killer smile that he always had. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with an opened button down cotton shirt over it. I wouldn't have noticed him, but he smiled right at me and all of a sudden my mind clicked in recognition, hehe, as a result I'm still a little giddy :)

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